Leptophyes discoidalis in Croatia

Wing of a female Leptophyes. boscii (left) and L. discoidalis (right).
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Leptophyes discoidalis has an eastern distribution in Europe. In this paper the two westernmost records are presented, one in Serbia and one in Croatia. This represents the first country record for Croatia. The males can be recognised by the typical shape of the cerci. The females were thought to be very similar to L. boscii . In this paper a useful character is presented. Females of L. boscii have two black stripes on the tegmina and females of L. discoidalis have one black blotch.
Source: Skejo, J. & M. Stanković 2013. The westernmost localities of the bush-cricket Leptophyes discoidalis (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae). Natura Croatica 22: 339-342.