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Curve-tailed Plump Bush-cricket
Isophya camptoxypha

Ionut Iorgu

New Orthoptera book Western Europe

Roy Kleukers - 27 January 2016
/ Photo:

At the end of 2015 a new book on the Orthoptera of the French speaking European countries has been published. In total 261 species from France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Switzerland are treated extensively. Also for people who do not speak French this book contains a wealth of information, with many beautiful drawings, photos, oscillograms and maps. A complete key to all species is presented with many new and well illustrated characters. The cd contains 222 songs.


Sardet, E., C. Roesti & Y. Braud 2015. Cahiers d'identification des orthoptères de France, Belgique, Luxembourg & Suisse. Biotope Éditions, Mèze. ISBN 978-2-36662-155-6. Amazon or Biotope (35 euro).