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Transylvanian Plump Grasshopper
Podismopis transsylvanica

Ionut Iorgu

Orthoptera of Rheinland-Pfalz

Roy Kleukers - 15 April 2011
/ Photo:

In a new book the Orthoptera of Rheinland-Pfalz are treated. For all 72 species (including three mantids) information is given on distribution, behaviour, biology, habitat and regional red list status. The species treatments are illustrated with distribution maps and diagrams showing phenology and altitudinal distribution.

For this purpose about 600 bibliographical references, some private and museum collections and mainly information given by more than 200 persons were used, resulting in a dataset of over 54000 records. With this work the last German region is covered with a comprehensive book.


Pfeifer, M.A., M. Niehuis & C. Renker 2011. Die Fang- und Heuschrecken in Rheinland-Pfalz. Landau. 677 p.

ISBN 978-3-9807669-5-1, 49,90 euro to be ordered at