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Splendid Bush-Cricket
Andreiniimon nuptialis

Matjaž Bedjanič

Website OOE updated

Roy Kleukers - 20 December 2014
Chrysochraon dispar, male. Photo Paul van Hoof. 
/ Photo:

The website Orthoptera of Europe has recently been updated. What has changed?

  • The layout has been slightly modernised.
  • The species lists have been completely updated, based on the new European list, which was made for the red list assessments fof the IUCN. 
  • Common names have been added for all species. 
  • An easy-to-use CMS has been added, which enables us to quickly implement changes in the species lists and the homepage.  
  • With the photo search you can search for photos per photographer and subgroup. 

What remains to be done in 2015?

  • Additional photos will be added.
  • Sound recordings, diagrams and youtube movies will be added. This will probably take some time, because the system doesn’t yet have an efficient way of handling these media.