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Dented groundhopper
Tetrix depressa

Ruben Foquet

Key Orthoptera Pyrenees

Roy Kleukers - 29 May 2010
Zeuneriana abbreviata. Photo Miguel Angel Domingo.
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In the last 'Beiheft' of Articulata a key and overview to the Orthoptera fauna of the Pyrenean region is presented, based on a literature search and own field work of the authors.

An illustrated key to the 150 species of the region is presented. In total 17 species are (almost) constricted to the region, e.g. Metrioptera buyssoni , several Ephippigerinae and Gomphoceridius brevipennis . In the concise species treatments information on the habitat and distribution (with a coarse distribution map) is provided. At the end of the booklet 34 species are depicted with colour photographs.

Source: D. Poniatowkski, B. Defaut, D. Llucia-Pomares & T. Fartmann 2010. The Orthoptera fauna of the Pyrenean region - a field guide. Articulata Beiheft 14: 1-143.