European Redlisting of Orthoptera (ERO)

One of the activities of the recently founded IUCN Grasshopper Specialist Group (GSG) is the redlisting of all European Orthoptera in the next few years. The European Redlisting of Orthoptera (ERO) is coordinated by Baudewijn Odé, Roy Kleukers and Luc Willemse. The discussions in this group are mainly done on facebook
(!/pages/European-Redlisting-of-Orthop…). Also, the instructions to participate in the assessment process can be found here. Currently, we published some pre-assessments to get experience using the 2001 IUCN red list criteria. Other European Orthopterists are invited to join the GSG and the Facebook group, but especially we need some people to add assesments e.g. for national endemic species. We need the experiences of others to efficiently proceed after 2010.
The IUCN Grasshopper Specialist Group (GSG) now has its own informal website. Please visit