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Peripodisma llofizii

Michèle Lemmonier-Darcemont


In the future we want to present a complete overview of all relevant literature to the European Orthoptera. At the moment this section is confined to some important indentification works, field guides and catalogues.


Europe general

Devriese, H. 1996. Bijdrage tot de systematiek, morfologie en biologie van de West-Palearktische Tetrigidae. Nieuwsbrief Saltabel 15: 1-38.

Harz, K. 1969. Die Orthopteren Europas vol. 1. Series entomologica 5: 1-749.

Harz, K. 1975. Die Orthopteren Europas vol. 2. Series Entomologica 11: 1-939

Heller, K.-G. 1988. Bioakustik der europäischen Laubheuschrecken. Ökologie in Forschung und Anwendung 1: 1-358.

Ragge, D.R. & W.J. Reynolds 1998. The songs of the grasshoppers and crickets of western Europe. Colchester, Essex, Harley Books, 591 p.


Central and Western Europe

Baur, B., H. Baur, C. Roesti & D. Roesti 2006. Die Heuschrecken der Schweiz. Bern, Haupt.

Bellmann, H. 1988. A field guide to the grasshoppers and crickets of Britain and northern Europe. London, Collins, London, 213 p.

Bellmann, H. 1993. Heuschrecken: beobachten, bestimmen. 2. Auflage. Melsungen: Neumann-Neudamm, 349 p.

Bellmann, H. & Luquet, G. 1995. Guide des sauterelles, grillons et criquets d' Europe occidentale. Lausanne-Paris: Delachaux & Niestle, 383 p.

Claerebout, S. 2013. Clé de détermination photographique des criquets, sauterelles, grillons et Tetrix de Belgique. Cercles des Naturalistes de Belgique asbl, Vierves sur Viroin.

Defaut, B. 1999. La détermination des Orthoptères de France. Bédeilhac, ASCETE, 83 p.

Deroussen F. & Naturophonia, 2012. Chants des Sauterelles de France. Nashvert / Naturophonia production. Website:

Detzel, P. 1998. Die Heuschrecken Baden-Württembergs. Stuttgart (Hohenheim), Ulmer, 580 p.

Holst, K.T. 1986. The Saltatoria (bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers) of northern Europe. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 16: 1-127.

Kleukers, R.M.J.C. & R. Krekels 2004. Veldgids sprinkhanen en krekels. KNNV Uitgeverij, Utrecht.

Kleukers, R.M.J.C., E.J. van Nieukerken, B. Odé, L.P.M. Willemse & W.K.R.E. van Wingerden 1997. De sprinkhanen en krekels van Nederland (Orthoptera). Nederlandse Fauna 1: 1-414.

Koárek, P., J. Holua & L. Vidlika 2005. Blattaria, Mantodea, Orthoptera & Dermaptera of the Czech and Slovak Republics. Kabourek, Zlin, 348 p.

Maas, S., P. Detzel & A. Staudt 2002. Gefährdungsanalyse der Heuschrecken Deutschlands, Verbreitungsatlas, Gefährdungseinstufung und Schutzkonzepte. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn.

Poniatowkski, D., B. Defaut, D. Llucia-Pomares & T. Fartmann. The Orthoptera fauna of the Pyrenean region - a field guide. Articulata Beiheft 14: 1-143.

Roesti, C. & B. Keist 2009. Die Stimmen der Heuschrecken (144 pp. with DVD). Haupt Verlag, Bern – Stuttgart – Wien. ISBN 978-3-258-07279-1

Rutschmann, F. & C. Roesti 2014. Orthoptera-App:

Schlumpfrecht, H. & G. Waeber 2003. Heuschrecken in Bayern. Verlag Eugen Ulmer GmbH & co., Stuttgart.

Voisin, J.-F. 2003 Atlas des Orthoptères et des mantides de France. Patrimoines Naturels 60: 1-104.


Southern Europe

Carbonell, R. & E. Matheu 2010. Guia Sonora dels insects de Catalunya. Grills, saltamartins i cigales. (564 pp. with Audio-CD). Alosa, sons de lan natura, Barcelona. ISBN 978-84-937946-0-6

Fontana, P., F.M. Buzzetti, A. Cogo & B. Odé 2002. Guida al riconoscimento e allo studio di cavalette, grilli, mantidi e insetti affini del Veneto (Blattaria, Mantodea, Isoptera, Orthoptera, Phasmatodea, Dermaptera, Embiidina). Guida Natura 1: 1-592

Herrera Mesa, L. 1982. Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Spain. Series Entomologica 22: 1-162.

Huseman, M., D. Llucià-Pomares & A. Hochkirch 2013. A review of the Iberian Sphingonotini with description of two novel species (Orthoptera: Acrididae: Oedipodinae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 168:  29-60.

Massa, B, P. Fontana, F. M. Buzzetti, R. Kleukers & B. Odé 2012. Orthoptera. Fauna d’Italia 48: 1-563, with dvd.

Olmo-Vidal, J.M. 2002. Atlas Ortopters de Catalunya.

Willemse, F.M.H. 1984. Fauna Graeciae I. Catalogue of the Orthoptera of Greece. Athens: Hellenic Zoological Society, 275 p.

Willemse, F.M.H. 1985. Fauna Graeciae II. A key to the Orthoptera species of Greece. Athens, Hellenic Zoological Society, 288 p.

Willemse, F.M.H. 1985. Fauna Graeciae Ia. Supplementary notes on the Orthoptera of Greece. Athens, Hellenic Zoological Society, 47 p.


Eastern Europe

Chobanov, D.P. & B. Mihajlova 2010. Orthoptera and Mantodea in the collection of the Macedonian Museum of Natural History (Skopje) with an annotated check-list of the groups in Macedonia. Articulata 25: 73-107.

Chobanov, D.P., B. Grzywacz, I. Ş. Iorgu, B. Ciplak, M.B. Llieva & E. Warchałowska-Sliwa 2013. Review of the Balkan Isophya (Orthoptera: Phaneropteridae) with particular emphasis on the Isophya modesta group and remarks on the systematics of the genus based on morphological and acoustic data. Zootaxa 3658: 001-081.

Gomboc S. & B. Šegula 2014. Pojoče kobilice Slovenije/Singing Orthoptera of Slovenia. EGEA, Zavod za naravo, Ljubljana: 1-240 with DVD. Website: EGEA

Iorgu, I. Ş., E. I. Iorgu 2008 - Bush-crickets, crickets and grasshoppers from Moldavia (Romania). Edit. Pim Iaşi, Romania, 294 p.

Kočárek, P., J. Holuša, R. Vlk & P. Marhoul 2013. Rovnokřídlí České republiky (Insecta: Orthoptera).  Academia Praha. ISBN 978-80-200-2173-1

Willemse, F.M.H., O. von Helversen & B. Odé 2009. A review of Chorthippus species with angled pronotal lateral keels from Greece with special reference to transitional populations between some Peloponnesean taxa (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Zoologische Mededelingen 83: 319-507. + cd. Download pdf or read online.